Saturday Tweets: Naked Gardening Day Edition

...otsimple) April 29, 2015 Where can you find clay soil near your California adobe project? Check out this great soil map from UC Davis!: — adobeisnotsoftware (@riseupmud) April 26, 2015 Drought Frames Economic Divide of Californians — Root Simple (@rootsimple) April 28, 2015 So, finally, we've got a thriving downtown with thousands of people on foot, and we're penalizing it?


004 Egg Ethics, Solar Food Dryers and a Question about Earth Ovens and Erik discuss the tricky ethics of eggs and mayonnaise, what kind of solar food dryer is the best and we answer a question from Ed about earth ovens. Plans for the Appalachian Solar Food Dryer can be found in an article on Mother Earth News. We have a detailed post on how we built our adobe oven here. If you want to leave a question you can call (213) 537-2591 or send an email to [email protected]. The theme music is by Dr. Frankenstein....


Summer Solstice Celebration at Holy Nativity

Photo by Paul Morgan. Come see the new adobe community oven and celebrate the summer solstice! Here’s a note from Joanne of Environmental Change-makers: Want to learn about all the fun stuff that goes on at the Community Garden at Holy Nativity, and the Holy Nativity campus? This Saturday, June 20, there will be a Summer Solstice Open House across the entire campus. I will be speaking about saving water and greywater (three 15-minute talks, at 10...


Irving Gill: the Greatest Architect You’ve Never Heard Of

...the first decade of the 20th century, Gustav Stickley promoted Gill in the pages of the Craftsman Magazine. But many of Gill’s buildings fell prey to the rapacious and indiscriminate mid-twentieth century wrecking ball and he fell into obscurity. He’s often thought of as a kind of proto-modernist but I’m not so sure. His buildings also have a neo-primitive quality, like a mashup of adobe missions, vernacular Greek architecture and a de Chirico pai...
