Baking Bread with Specialty Malts these exact grains. Stick your head in the grain bins and let your nose lead you. In a 2-pound sourdough rye loaf Hadjiandreou’s recipe calls for 20 grams of chocolate malt and 40 grams each of the other two grains. A lighter hand with the dark malts will reduce the chance of bitter bread. To soak or not to soak Usually when I add whole grains or seeds to bread I like to soak them for a few hours in hot water. But when I tried this with the spe...


Meet the Solavore Sport Solar Oven

...our first trial, and had trouble getting the oven up to cooking temp–which lead to a lentil disaster. I failed to notice the lid clips were there at all first time out because they are not immediately obvious. They are small metal hooks which are permanently affixed through holes in the oven’s body. They come up over the lip of the lid to hold it down tight. The good thing about these clips is that they are very simple and would be easy to replace...


Deep Work

...hat a computer science professor, Cal Newport, could be just the person to lead us out of our distraction with his book Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World. The book can be boiled down to this: thou shalt schedule uninterrupted blocks of time to focus on single, important tasks. And, yes, that includes thinking about how we spend our leisure time too. If you allow incoming texts and notifications to define your day you’ll tu...


Rucola Selvatica A Foglia D’ulivo: the arugula you’ve never heard of

...o used to refer to arugula (and many other greens) as the “Greek Viagra.” There is, apparently, a history of the use of arugula as an aphrodisiac in Mediterranean cultures. According to some sources, you have to cut the arugula with lettuce (a calming plant) so that the salad bowl doesn’t lead too directly to the bedroom. Find more arugula varieties at Do you have a favorite arugula? As usual, I love hearing from our Italian reade...
