Digital Götterdämmerung

...ready, I feel like I’m regaining a long lost pre-internet memory of when I used to read more, learn new skills and get stuff done. Newport is flexible about what you abstain from during the one month period. He acknowledges that many people have jobs that require them to use social media so you have to write your own rules. In my case I gave up Facebook over a year ago but I’ve found myself spending way too much time looking at things like Twitter...


The Return of Knickers?

...worn by both men and women. Before my annoying plantar fasciitis injury, I used to don knickers twice a week to go fencing. They are comfortable, allowing for easy movement, and more dignified and modest than shorts. Modern fencing knickers are white. The Victorian, black version of the fencing uniform was more stylish: A tangent here: please, dear fencing officials, do not attempt to “modernize” the uniform: Remember, the classic uniform is still...


How to Carry Heavy Objects with a Two-Person Carrying Pole

...le would work much better for most other objects. The carrying pole can be used to carry people, a use for which there is a word in English: “litter.” Here’s a carrying pole being used in Guatemala to carry an injured man to the hospital: I’m hoping that the litter version of the carrying poll will become Kelly’s new way of getting around the neighborhood during the hot summer months: In all seriousness, I would like to figure out a way to get rel...


Saturday Linkages: Gourds, Cats and Cider Bread … L.A.’s First Public Transit Used Actual Horse Power … Neuroscience of junk-food cravings, researched in a Chili’s dumpster – Boing Boing … What the hell to do with the parkway?


What the Internet Will Look Like After the Zombie Apocalypse (though you could route the internet over it). Such a network could be used in an emergency such as an earthquake or weather event to send digital messages. It’s also the means by which I could continue to send out cute cat photos even if things go full-on Cormac McCarthy You could use this same hack, not exactly legally, to solve networking problems in a large house, business or rural property. And the same method has been used to set up data...
