Bitter Greens

...a, a green that America has suddenly discovered after last month’s factory farming spinach nightmare. We also added a tough and bitter leaf chicory from our friends at Grow Italian. Hopefully, by succession planting we should have a winter and spring full of green, if somewhat bitter vegetables. How do we prepare these bitter greens around the compound? Very simply — in a pan with garlic, olive oil, salt, and pepper. Sometimes we add some Parmigia...


Day to day, our decisions count

...s to agriculture. So, when we’re wasting food at this rate, that means that 25% of our fresh water is going directly to waste. Here in the dry West, that kind of extravagance has become unconscionable. In terms of soil, think about this. To grow all the food we waste globally, we use an area of land one and half times larger than the U.S. That’s a lot of soil. And most of that’s soil which is being stripped of its wealth by unsustainable farming p...


Saturday Tweets: K-Cups, Kittens and Smartphone Microscopes

...KJlSkioYz via @TakePart — Root Simple (@rootsimple) March 20, 2015 Factory Farming: Was the World Created for Me? via @HuffPostRelig — Root Simple (@rootsimple) March 19, 2015 Big Ag kills backyard chicken ordinance in Augusta: via @DailyProgress — Root Simple (@rootsimple) March 18, 2015 Depaving Cities, Undamming Rivers—Here’s How We’re Undoing the Damage #TogetherWithEarth pic...


Saturday Tweets: From Archery to Jaywalking

...ot Simple (@rootsimple) January 19, 2015 Freeze those career plans: icicle farming is officially a thing. — Modern Farmer (@ModFarm) January 19, 2015 Why low-tech living is back | via @Telegraph — Root Simple (@rootsimple) January 18, 2015 Countertop agriculture–8 vegetables you can regenerate: — Root Simple (@rootsimple) January 18, 2015 Sweden is now...
