Saturday Tweets: Rainy Day Tweets

...ut passengers (betwn drop-off & next pickup) — more than yellow cabs. Dead time leads to the large increases in VMT that Alejandro also found. — Bruce Schaller (@Bruce_Schaller) December 7, 2018 Advent calendar: Day 6 — 70s Dinner Party (@70s_party) December 6, 2018 Cross inscribed stone from Temple Brecan, Inishmore, the Aran Islands. It contains an Irish inscription which reads 'pray for Bra...


Support the Master Gardener Program I would have not been able to attend, even if accepted, as I am a full time student and work to support myself the rest of the time. Basically, I live paycheck to paycheck. Now, I’m starting a community garden at my school, work for a non-profit educating students on gardening and am connected with an incredibly supportive community of volunteers and knowledgeable individuals. You can make a contribution to the UCCE Master Gardener Program her...


Megabus: Like a Cruise Ship on Land

...ak. I didn’t test the WiFi, preferring instead to use my 8 1/2 hour travel time tackling Matthew Crawford’s anti-Kant rant, The World Outside Your Head (review forthcoming). The bathroom was clean and as pleasant as any bus bathroom can aspire to. The bus was near capacity but I was able to claim a row for myself. I suspect there would be more room on a weekday. Note that there is no overhead storage so you have to check your baggage. The LA to SF...


Baker Creek Invites and Un-invites Cliven Bundy to Speak

...etting people be heard, even if we disagree with their ideals. But at this time, due to security and other issues raised by many of you, all parties think it would be better to research the situation, read the information that has been sent to us by customers.[sic]” Given that an interview of Bundy, posted on Baker Creek’s blog and posted to YouTube, took place at the Nevada Southern Detention Center and noted a “nationally publicized dispute,” it...


Admitting Gardening Mistakes

...hatever is incorrect in the current situation will likely show up again in the execution of the new project. Gardening requires a ruthlessness and lack of attachment that I often don’t have the stomach for. Sometimes you have to embrace creative destruction and curse that fig tree (or, in our case, curse the diseased and unproductive Nectaplum tree; the fig is doing just fine). Time to get started . . ....
