Of Love and Compressed Air

...s an alternative to chemical batteries and ways to compress air with wind, solar and hydro power. Some Amish communities use compressed air as a way of separating themselves from the “English” world and its power grid. In fact, compressed air is sometimes referred to as “Amish Electricity.” While the Amish compress air mostly with diesel generators, some use windmills. The Amish convert kitchen appliances to run on compressed air as well as power...


Saturday Tweets: Cheap Heaters, Paper Airplanes and Lost Ornaments

Solar-OSE: Solar concentrator for steam generation https://t.co/bj8QmXxG6t — Root Simple (@rootsimple) November 6, 2015 Cheapest Heater In The World Version 2. Bigger, Better, Hotter . https://t.co/bTmzTutTWX — Root Simple (@rootsimple) November 6, 2015 Citizen Maths: free/open adult math education for practical real-world numeracy https://t.co/n4IvJEytGn — Root Simple (@rootsimple) November 3, 2015 Gorgeous book of paper airplanes collected by a...


Saturday Linkages: Basil Downy Mildew, Bees and Grow Lights

...of-basil-downy-mildew.html … Navajo teen wins prize for improving homemade solar ovens: http://www.whitewolfpack.com/2014/06/navajo-teen-harnesses-solar-energy-wins.html … Abandoned Railways Exploration Probe: http://www.furtherfield.org/programmes/exhibition/seft-1-abandoned-railways-exploration-probe-modern-ruins-1220 … When Plants Get Metal: Part 2 | Popular Science http://po.st/RXw4JD In SF, empty lots now can be designated agricultural zones:...


Weekend Linkages: Quilts, Pedways and Past Futures

...Quilt, Solar System. 1983.0618.01. Ellen Harding Baker’s “Solar System” Quilt Nobody Drives in LA — Exploring Downtown’s Calvin S. Hamilton Pedway A 19th-Century Vision of the Year 2000 The Best Commuter Bike Lights A digital archive of graphic design related items that are available on the Internet Archives (via Recomendo) Soda Can Aluminum Chuck Glider...


The Original L.A. Urban Homestead

...e house is a charming bungalow full of warm dark wood. It features a small solar array, a fabulous greywater system and many other features that make this cozy home worth a visit. The most educational part of the Eco-Home, in my humble opinion, is Julia’s actual lifestyle. Sure, technical features such as solar and greywater are great, but living lightly is more about how you live and small simple choices you make everyday. Julia is in her 70’s an...
