Holiday Weekend Linkages: Full Disclosure

...siness With the “MILF Mobile” Car problems How the Twitter tide of plastic lost at sea has come to define our age Welcome to dystopia: getting fired from your job as an Amazon worker by an app Cities’ plea to Biden: Help us lower speed limits 135 questions for those who shape and those who (sometimes) occupy New York City’s extreme upper skyline Moldy Slides: Romantic Landscapes Rearranged A strange house built only at night Strange real estate li...


Weekend Linkages: Summer Heat, Oaks and QAnon

Ancient Egyptian vessel shaped like a pomegranate via @aic_ancient. 100 British chairs When Old Oaks Fall Nabhan: Food and Farming Crisis Requires Both Science and Faith Is Geotagging on Instagram Ruining Natural Wonders? Some Say Yes California’s yoga, wellness and spirituality community has a QAnon problem Uber and Lyft Donated to Community Groups Who Then Pushed the Companies’Agenda California dodges worst of historic Pacific Northwest heatwav...


Weekend Linkages: Regime of Signs

...Woodcut by WPA artist Chet La More via @JoshLipnik Michael Jantzen unveils a series of experimental greenhouses from 1972 to 1980 The Hidden History of Culver City Racism [where I grew up] ‘Potentially the worst drought in 1,200 years’: scientists on the scorching US heatwave Garfield phones beach mystery finally solved after 35 years A tale from haunted Wales Homemade Instant Oatmeal...


Weekend Linkages: Beware the Pointy Shoes

...Skeletons reveal the cost of medieval fashion for pointy shoes Nailed it: man, 82, builds bench for wife in 30 minutes after council plea ignored Why We Shouldn’t Paint Brick Streaming with Laughter… the quest for the funniest online service fails No, Small Isn’t Beautiful The NFT market bubble has popped and we’ve got the charts to prove it...
