Saturday Linkages: Tall Bikes, Za’atar and So Much More

.../04/21/new-farmers-almanac-for-2013.html … Plants as Education: Kit Brings Gardening Back to the Masses Fortrait #4 “Subterranean Breakfast Nook” … Buildin‘ Temporary Housing for Displaced Fukushima Residents …...


Straw Bale Garden Part III: Adding Fertilizer

...r. We’re following West Virginia University Extension Service’s Straw Bale Gardening advice. They suggest a 1/2 cup of urea per bale or “bone meal, fish meal, or compost for a more organic approach.” (I think they mean blood meal as bone meal does not have much nitrogen in it.) Choosing the organic approach, we’re watering in two cups of blood meal a day to each bale for days four to six. Days seven through nine, we’ll cut back to one cup of blood...


Biochar: Miracle or Gimmick?

...s. I’m always skeptical of what I call the “notions and potions” school of gardening. Every few years there is some new substance touted as the secret to a lush vegetable garden. One such substance is biochar, a kind of charcoal used as a soil amendment. The University of Minnesota Extension service is in the midst of a four year study to test the use of biochar in vegetable gardens. Preliminary results (which you can read here) show benefit for s...


On Living in Los Angeles Without a Car: A Debate

...h are in other cities? What about emergencies? What about all the farm and gardening supplies we have to haul around? It seems to me that deciding to live without a car in a city like this is a little like deciding to take religious orders. It involves a reworking of all your habits and considerable sacrifice. It would be much easier if we didn’t have pets and backyard livestock and a big garden. It would be easier if we lived closer to a train li...


Saturday Linkages: $1 Homes, Compost Heated Showers and Potty Talk

...Sweet Home Gary Indiana unveils Dollar Home Program: Gardening Pipe planters … Mariposa Nabi Community Garden features this alter via @GlenDake … DIY IKEA Hackers: New life for Old Poang! 13 Ways To Turn Your Outdated ’90s Tech Into Truly Usable Things
