Behold the Glassy Winged Sharpshooter (Homalodisca coagulata)

...ce’s disease, fatal to many grape varieties including my flame seedless, a gardening frustration I blogged about last week. For your enjoyment I captured a 1/2-inch GWS specimen and scanned it. Note that the GWS was harmed in the process, for which I’m unapologetic. While there are many varieties of native sharpshooters in California, the GWS is an interloper from the Southeast US and is much more mobile. The native varieties tend to hang out in r...


Author and Urban Farmer Novella Carpenter Rocks Los Angeles

...ld have listened for hours to her stories of dumpster diving for pig feed, gardening in a neighborhood where “crack zombies” and prostitutes come out at night and how the local Yemeni liquor store owner came over to show her how to slaughter her mean goat. If you have a chance to hear her speak, make sure to go! We’ve read excerpts from Farm City and Carpenter is a terrific writer. In addition to her books and articles she blogs at ghosttownfarm.w...


Altadena Heritage of Abundance

...going to talk about self irrigating planters, chickens, bees and vegetable gardening. Here’s the 411: Saturday, May 30 from 9 to 11 a.m at the Altadena Community Center First in a series of events, workshops, and home tours on sustainable living. Reserve your place at this free series kickoff event for members ($5 non-members). More info here. To RSVP, please leave your name, email or phone contact, number of reservations, and event name at Altade...


A Grand Tour

...s, papercrete, oyster mushroom cultivation, DIY drip irrigation, vegetable gardening, rainwater harvesting, dome building and more. The Grand Tour from Mikey Sklar on Vimeo. Wendy and Mickey blog about their activities at Here at Homegrown Evolution we’d like to start featuring more profiles of what you, our readers, have been up to. Please drop us a line, a link, a video or some photos–we’re interested in any effort,...


Saturday Linkages: Of Granola and Turlets

...ike-flat-tire-repair-kit-insi.html … Building a bottle tower for container gardening: A just plain cool garden design blog: Do Everything Wrong And Still Bake Good Bread Bad News Department Citrus industry using insecticide deadly to bees: sulfoxaflor has surfaced again CISPA is back: worst Internet law since SOPA needs you to fight it! – Boin...
