Saturday Tweets: Ascension K-Mart Choppers

...a Hirji (@Zhirji28) April 28, 2019 Weed fabric is terrible for plants and soil and nature and….. But in this example don't just settle for wood mulch, put in more plants! — Benjamin Vogt (@BRVogt) April 28, 2019 "We have to continue organizing against unfair labor practices in architecture… We have to continue organizing outside of architecture, joining in fights for a $15 minimum wage and free public college… we also h...


Essential System #5 – First Aid Kit

...e hospital emergency rooms of Los Angeles or any big city, even during non-peak hours, knows that your sorry ass often ends up on a stretcher parked in a forlorn hallway waiting for hours for a distracted and overworked doctor. Which is why, once again, we’ve relied on the world of mountaineering to inform our choice of first aid supplies. The assumption with a first aid kit in the wilderness is that it will be quite a while before you can be reac...


Stellarium: A Handy Desktop Planetarium

...ous time to view a meteor shower (like the Persead shower that reached its peak last week). You’ll want to pick a time when the moon is not up. Or let’s say you want to have some friends over for some planetary viewing and a glass of bourbon (as happened last night at the Root Simple compound). In that case you might want to pick a time when you can also take a look at the moon. In the pre-personal computer era I used to use a planisphere. I still...


Weekend Linkages: Omicron, Belgian Houses and Farts in Jars

Spotted in San Francisco: some strange brickwork. Omicron could peak in U.S. fairly soon. Maybe. 30 Belgian Houses That Are So Bad, They’re Good The Getty’s Gift to Locked Down Los Angeles: 71,139 Ed Ruscha Vintage Streetscape Photos Digitized Column: He’s L.A. food royalty. He began with a taco cart. Let street vendors thrive TikTok Star Who Sells Her Farts in Jars Starts Selling Fart NFTs A Night at the Church of Salt Bae, America’s Newest Cele...


Our new front yard, part 5: Constructing a meadow community

...s and creeping ground cover which will suppress weeds and help anchor the soil. Rainer and West admit that this is often the most difficult category for folks to fill, because nurseries sell flashy plants, not sturdy background players. Think sedges. These make up about 50% of your community. The dynamic filler layer: These are short lived, opportunistic species which will self seed and pop up whenever there is a temporary space to exploit. Think...
