Austin’s Rhizome Collective Evicted due to the City of Austin Code Enforcement declaring the building unsafe. This is a tragic loss and has been traumatic for the people who have invested so much in the space, from long nights of hard work repairing bikes and mailing off books to days of tending the garden to evenings of laughter in the kitchen. The Rhizome collective is asking for donations on their website, I would also suggest buying a copy of their...


Bird Netting as a Cabbage Leaf Caterpillar Barrier

...The best way to do this is by planting arches of wire or tubing over your garden bed, and stretching the cover material over those arches– like a covered wagon. Netting has advantages over row cover: you can see and water through it and it’s more readily available. I’m curious what you, our dear readers, think of the idea? Mrs. Homegrown chimes in: I’ll add that in the past readers have said they use tulle material as an insect barrier– you know,...


Saturday Linkages: Don’t seek the truth – just drop your opinions

...m/la-heb-fencing-cogitive-improvement-20111230,0,1166016.story … Gardening Garden planter turns out to be Roman antique: … Best Reporting on the Space Shuttle Tree Debacle Science Center Given Approval to Remove Nearly 400 Trees to Make Way for Shuttle


Row Cover as an Insect Barrier

...n row cover in lengths as short as 50 feet–plenty for an urban or suburban garden. I’ve used both PVC pipe and chain link fence tension wire as support. I secure the row cover down with pieces of rebar and bricks to keep out skunks. What cabbage worms become. It’s not a plug and play solution, however. If it gets hot I have to remember to pull the row cover off. And the added humidity can cause outbreaks of aphids. But overall, it works great. I’v...
