Chicken Coop Deconstructed

...end Justin, curator of the local arts space Echo Curio and a fellow master gardener to help. He has the building and construction skills that I lack. This week the students took off all of the old plywood, chain link and chicken wire. The students loved destroying the old structure. They got to use crowbars and hammers after a little safety lesson. Dust and spiderwebs flew everywhere. They practically had to be dragged back to the classroom at the...


Saturday Linkages: Fire Plows, Kite Fishing and Roundup-Ready Turfgrass

...ring, Hacking, and Repurposing Electronics Low-Tech Kite-Fishing in the Indo-Pacific The Public Food Forest: Clever Solution or Future Flop? by Evelyn Hadden Coming soon – Roundup-Ready Turfgrass | Garden Rant … Author Builds Tiny Solar-Powered Off Grid Cabin for Under 2000 http://inhabitat....


A Year after The Age of Limits: 5 Responses to the End Times

...ble, bikeable cities and locally grown food via farmers markets, community gardens, cottage food co-ops, etc. • Learn skills. Basic carpentry, plumbing, electronic repair, gardening, animal husbandry, sewing/knitting/weaving, home cooking, food preservation, simple medicine, brewing, baking… You don’t have to do all these thing, only some of them. Or just one of them, if you can do it really, really well. Teach what you know to others. Raise kids...


Italian Dandelion Redux army of aphids, the Italian Dandelion seems immune to both pest and disease. And, nearby, volunteer mallow hints at a spring of easy foraging. Horace was on to something. And to all who responded to my call for urban homesteaders: I’m overwhelmed by the response (and the emails!). You are all an incredible inspiration and, like my botanical friend Cichorium intybus, a sign of abundance in the midst of adversity....


Moringa! Harvey McDaniel One of the big inspirations for starting our front yard urban farming efforts at the SurviveLA compound is a Philippino neighbor of ours who has turned his entire front yard and even the parkway into an edible garden featuring fruits and vegetables from his native land, most of which we have never seen before. This morning, while walking the dog, I found him cutting hundreds of long seed pods off of a small attractive tree. He d...
