Instant Soup Stock=Happy Flavor Bomb

...y our friend Pascal on making instant soup stock with foraged greens: Wild Food Soup Stock. It’s great! But foraged greens have a short season here, and lately I’ve been using a more domestic recipe from the great blog Food in Jars: Homemade Vegetable Soup Concentrate. Check them out. You’ll see the ways in which they are similar. Basically you’re just taking all the tasty, aromatic parts of soup stock (onions, parsley, carrots, etc.) and grinding...


Solar Oven Triumph: Fluffy Egg Strata

...n to plan accordingly. Another learning curve is figuring out what kind of foods do well in a solar oven. Eggs, it turns out, really like solar ovens! This is logical, because eggs do well when cooked low and slow. (Have you ever tried the Eggs Francis Picabia recipe in the Alice B. Toklas Cookbook?) I think any kind of quiche/egg pie/strata type recipe will do well in a sun oven, and intend to explore this more. The Eartheasy egg strata recipe wa...


The problem with polar fleece: it’s in the ocean, it’s in sea creatures, it’s on our plates

...lution in the ocean, they are also consumed by marine life. They enter the food chain. Confused bivalves and shrimp eat this stuff, and we eat them. In short, we are eating our fleece jackets. And nobody knows what health impacts all this ingestion of microplastics will have for us, or the sea creatures. The news first came to me, ironically enough, via Patagonia, purveyors of very expensive polar fleece. They’d commissioned a study on this, which...


Saturday Tweets: Georgia O’Keefe, Rampaging Peacocks and Mango Mania’s favorite recipes @guardian @robertegger: — UC Food Observer (@ucfoodobserver) July 1, 2017 House sparrows: They might be cute little songbirds, but they're also opportunistic chicken-feed thieves who can… — Hobby Farms (@hobbyfarms) July 1, 2017 Mango mania hits the capital at 29th annual International Mango Festival featuring 500 varieties, Delhi, India pic.twitter.c...


Summer Solstice Celebration at Holy Nativity

...ire campus. I will be speaking about saving water and greywater (three 15-minute talks, at 10, 11, 12) The open house will feature garden tours, oven explanation (the oven mud is now drying), highlights from other campus organizations like Teri Roseman’s LiveYoga Wellness, Patricia Rose’s Fresh-food-in-a-flash cooking classes, the Food Forward gleaning program, art tours by Steve O’Laughlin, and much more. Steve’s band will be performing 12-1, and...
