022 Mark Stambler on How to Pass a Cottage Food Bill

...onomies Law Center Los Angeles Bread Bakers Facebook pages for the cottage food bill and cottage food businesses: https://www.facebook.com/groups/282510503800/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/Creatingyourcaliforniacottagefoodbusiness/ You can find out more about Mark and his bread at stamblersbread.com. If you want to leave a question for the Root Simple Podcast please call (213) 537-2591 or send an email to [email protected]. You can subscribe...


Essential System #8 – Nutrition (Extra Food)

Continuing our countdown of the ten essential systems we get to the food category. In our grab and go bags we have a few Clif Bars – they taste alright, don’t require cooking, and have a relatively long shelf life. The problem with Cliff Bars is that they prove tempting when we have the occasional sweet tooth attack. This is why some people keep MREs (meals, ready to eat) on hand, because they taste so foul you won’t be tempted to bust them open....


On the documentary, Fed Up, and giving up sugar

...for someone already trying to disconnect from the evils of the industrial food system? Well, the message about sugar was news to me. Not that I ever thought that sugar was a health food, but this film lays out how very hard it is on our systems, how sugar, not fat, not lack of exercise, is behind rising obesity rates as well as the rise in type 2 diabetes and a host of related diseases–and most worrisome–how sugar is hidden in almost every prepar...
