On Homesteading Burnout and the Need to Focus

...movement is not an “all of the above” proposition; you don’t have to raise chickens, brew beer, sew, keep bees, make pickles etc.; you can go with your strengths and make friends with people who do what you’re not good at. But do I follow my own advice? Not so much. I’ve been thinking lately about trying to focus on the things I’m good at and go KonMari on the stuff I’ve accumulated to do the things I’m not so good at. This is hard for me. By natu...


Are We Keeping Too Many Bees?

...story. You know, “Folks are tired of all the chores and are dumping their [chickens/vegetables/bees] and returning to a life of [shopping/golfing/riding jet skis].” This month’s backlash story concerns urban beekeeping in London. Reader Cassandra Silver (who has a really beautiful blog) alerted us to a bee story in the Independent, “How do-gooders threaten humble bee.” The gist of the article is that urban beekeepers in London have more hives than...


Saturday Linkages: Makers, Haters and Beekeeping Donkeys

....html … via bikejuju Rental Search, Caused by Storm, Is Complicated by Pet Chickens http://nyti.ms/VXoM3v Gardening Exactly what wildlife do we want overwintering in our beds? | Garden Rant http://gardenrant.com/2012/11/what-wildlife-do-we-want-overwintering-in-our-beds.html … Grounded Design by Thomas Rainer: Fabulous Succulent Pots http://landscapeofmeaning.blogspot.com/2012/10/fabulous-succulent-pots.html?spref=tw … Brazilian model offers post...


Chicken Goes to Hollywood

...illie’s story with children and chicken aficionados of all ages. Since her chickens reside on the East Coast, Peckerella stepped in to play ambassador. ‘Pecky’ as she is often called, did a wonderful job and was very well behaved, allowing many children to pet her and sitting patiently during the book reading. Her next appearance will be at a reading of Tillie’s story at Chevalier’s books in Larchmont Village this Sunday, August 9th, from 11-1. If...


Gardening Resources in Los Angeles County

...brary of Los Angeles SLOLA.org (meetings and seed saving classes). Keeping Chickens Los Angeles Urban Chicken Enthusiasts Beekeeping Honeylove.org. How to videos starring Kirk Anderson at the Backwards Beekeepers blog. Greywater/Rainwater Harvesting DIY option: Art Ludwig’s free laundry to landscape plans at Oasis Designs. Or buy his books, Create an Oasis with Greywater: Choosing, Building and Using Greywater Systems – Includes Branched Drains an...
