Solar Eclipse 2024

...operate in most of Texas anyways so we would likely have ended up drinking beer on our friend’s couch, not necessarily a bad outcome. Instead of a trip to Texas I decided to stay put and participate in a physics experiment run by HamSCI out of the University of Scranton that is attempting to answer the question, “How do solar eclipses impact ionospheric structure and dynamics?” To answer this question HamSCI uses data collected though amateur radi...


I Ate 100 Power Bars

...latest buzz-phrase by large food companies. Every natural food product is labeled either “pro-biotic” or “pre-biotic.” If one could distill all those booths down to one item you’d end up with a pro-biotic turmeric, kimchi, kombucha, paleo sports bar grown “regeneratively,” whatever that means. But I’m getting cranky again. On a more positive note I met a nice Root Simple reader who works for Q Drinks, an Oakland, California based producer of toni...
