A Homegrown Revolution manifesto by way of a short (true) story.

..., “Are you o.k.?” the hipster jumped up. 6. The importance of bike safety part 2 He motioned to one of two attractive women on the sidewalk and said, “It’s your fault, it’s because of you, I was staring at you.” Robert Hurst, in his excellent book The Art of Urban Cycling covers this very problem. Fixed gears, high traffic speeds, poorly designed bike lanes, inattentive motorists, and voyeurism make an especially dangerous cocktail. Stay alert out...


Homegrown Revolution at the Alt-Car Expo

...tions. Repair and maintenance are within the grasp of virtually everyone. Parts are understandable and, for the most part, interchangeable. With each pedal stroke, legs, heart, lungs and mind grow stronger. Riding a bicycle is something you can do now. You need not wait for a future of expensive electric vehicles or technical innovations that may never come. The bicycle has a proven 150 year plus record of dependability. You need not wear Lycra an...


A Not So Close Shave

...log and our books? How many times have I presented some neatly tied up homemaking/gardening tip when the actual results were more ambiguous? Or, to go deeper with this, how often have I presented a “failure” as a kind of false modesty? At the risk of doing the latter, and via a long winded media theory laden introduction, permit me update my ongoing struggle with shaving. Most folks don’t know that, long before the advent of social media deep in t...


Saturday Tweets: Ascension K-Mart Choppers

...ttps://t.co/pD7DgDfXAw — Martha Lauren (@NQRW) May 4, 2019 When Brussels started making its main boulevards car-free, people complained the plan was just displacing pollution to areas with cars. So city leaders pedestrianized even more major streets. https://t.co/v6HMuX0zt5 — Alissa Walker (@awalkerinLA) May 4, 2019 pic.twitter.com/H5Ba4nXBNG — Cursed Architecture (@CursedArchitect) May 3, 2019 How do machine metaphors shape our understanding of r...


Grab and Go

...f the contents of our first aid kit in a subsequent post. 6. Fire Our fire making kit includes waterproof matches and kindling material made with dryer lint and candle wax 7. Repair kit and tools We wear a Leatherman multi-tool at all times on our belt. 8. Nutrition Our grab and go bags contain an array of Cliff bars and other items with a long shelf life. 9. Hydration We have both extra water and a ceramic water filter. 10. Emergency shelter We h...
