Our Radioactive Cat

...t doesn’t cause the cat any pain, but they can’t be around people or other animals for a few days. When he gets back we have to minimize contact with him for awhile and scoop out his litter into a bucket that has to sit for a few weeks before we can dispose of it. I’ve never been to a vet as organized and efficient as the folks doing this treatment, Advanced Veterinary Medical Imaging in Tustin. They send a daily spreadsheet update, call frequentl...


A Painful Beekeeping Lesson

...tentially dangerous situation not only for myself but for other people and animals. Thankfully it was raining and dark and I was the only victim. It was one of those situations when I knew what I was doing was stupid but I did it anyways, propelled by a needless hysteria. What did I learn? When it comes to beekeeping, never panic, always think ahead and stay calm and deliberate. Use smoke if you think there is any chance that bees might get angry....


What does the loving landscape look like?

...ady oasis full of edible trees like pomegranate and mesquite. He said wild animals, like quail, are even moving back in. I still remember the pictures from his presentation, but I’m having a hard time finding anything like them to share with you. I’ve shamelessly screen grabbed a still from a nice short video about Brad and rainwater harvesting, called Free Water, by Andrew Brown. I will share this video again later in this series, and we’ll talk...


Without Merit: poison in your compost

...histle. The problem is that aminopyralid survives the digestive systems of animals pastured on land sprayed with it, as well as compost piles made from their manure. Most other herbicides break down eventually, but this stuff sticks around. An organic farmer using compost contaminated by aminopyralid could lose crops and organic certification for years. If that isn’t enough to worry about, two other nasty herbicides, picloram and clopyralid have a...


Saturday Tweets: Pierces Diesease and Electric Squirrels

...CCE advisors. https://t.co/2HagcxOvON pic.twitter.com/1URJYOiGh2 — Ag&Natural Resources (@ucanr) January 11, 2016 Helping the Homeless on a Budget https://t.co/7IW7aQfsgE — Root Simple (@rootsimple) January 12, 2016 Map of power outages caused by small animals: https://t.co/01ZpKsIZ2k — Root Simple (@rootsimple) January 12, 2016 The pocket grill https://t.co/42Pej9zQlT — Root Simple (@rootsimple) January 12, 2016 The Real Problem With Lunch, via @...
