Saturday Tweets: Hello 2019 — Laura Goodfellow šŸšŒšŸƒšŸ¼‍ā™€ļø (@transitrunner) January 2, 2019 #UCDavis‘ @JamieLPeyton continues success with innovation burn care for animals. — UC Davis Vet Med (@ucdavisvetmed) January 2, 2019...


The Unintended Consequences of Water Conservation

...access TV show. Who cares if you pull the water? Never mind that insects, animals and people call those landscapes home. Two ways out of this: a focus on long term solutions in our civic discourse and instilling a love of plants (we could call it horticultural literacy) in the next generation. Both are tall orders. In the meantime, I recommend reading Hodel and Pittenger’s paper. They are, perhaps, more enamored of the lawn than I but their call...


Radical Apiculturalist Michael Thiele

...s of bees in recent years be because we treat them, like so may other farm animals, as cogs in a big industrial ag machine? This is just one of the questions posed by apiculturalist (he rejects the term “beekeeper” – more on that below) Michael Thiele at a workshop Kelly and I attended which was sponsored by Honey Love. The language of bees Thiele began his lecture with a critique of the language we use for bees–first off the term “beekeeper.” “Ke...


Composting the Deceased/ My DIY Funeral Fantasies

...nd knowledge of the subject: A Hypothetical Method of Composting Humans or Animals: This is entirely above ground. First you build a platform of sticks/small logs to provide drainage and aeration, about 1.5 feet high. The deceased is placed on the stick pile. The body is covered with a 1 foot layer of mixed greens and browns–the makings of compost. Then over that goes a massive pile of carbonaceous material (“browns”: dry leaves, wood shavings, et...


We are all gardeners

...larger ecology, feeding insects and birds and providing habitat for small animals, birds and reptiles. Loving landscapes join together from house to house to form corridors and refuges for wildlife. There is room for human food crops as well, because abundance is a key virtue in the loving landscape. The garden is a space of reflection and reconnection for the gardener and their family and community. The land is not always tidy, but it is always...
