Weekend Linkages: Time for a Change in LA

In leaked audio, LA City Councilmembers Nury Martinez, Gil Cedillo, and Kevin de León discuss redistricting, are extremely racist

Make a metric clock

William Shatner: My Trip to Space Filled Me With ‘Overwhelming Sadness’

Yet another gender reveal party disaster

Denver destroyed by cars

A fight over worms and moats

San Francisco’s crosstown trail

What the year 2000 was really like

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1 Comment

  1. On the Meteoric Clock, It only begs the question: Why we don’t have a Metioric Calendar? 10 months / year would be more simple than 12, no? We could make each week 10 days long but we’d have to have some 3.64 of them per month… but we’ve already got about that now anyway, no?

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