Attractive Ornamental Flowering Trees

...petiginosa (pink trumpet tree) A tough and beautiful tree that’s great for urban locations. Tabebuia chrysotricha Of all the trees Dr. Turney showed, I think this one was my favorite. The yellow flowers really pop out against a blue sky. Brachychiton acerifolius (Australian Flame Tree) Speaking of popping out, red flowers are also really dramatic. Chionanthus retusus Another good urban tree. To these suggestions I’d add one of my own that also pro...


3 Mules Update

...pearing. More and more cars are filling up the roadways, and the expanding urban infrastructure seems to serve only one purpose: accommodate more automobiles. His words resonate with me, and I realize then and there that I am about to embark on a filmmaking journey like none I have ever experienced. Now, five years later, my journey is far from over. In 200 days of filming over a 27-month period, I shot 300 hours of footage. A ten-minute short fil...


056 Winnetka Farms Part 1

...lian vegetables. In the second part, on next week’s podcast, we’ll discuss urban livestock. During part 1 Craig mentions: Spigarello as the new kale Radicchio di Castelfranco Red Pear Tomato Striato di Napoli zucchini Lunga di Napoli squash Making pumpkin syrup Candied fruits Cardoons If you’d like to stay in touch with Craig you can find him at The Kitchen at Winnetka Farms. If you want to leave a question for the Root Simple Podcast please call...


Why You Should Own an Impact Driver clubbing members of the household if you begin work early. If you’re an urban homesteader type planning to do a lot of chicken coop/shed building type projects I would highly recommend owning both a drill and an impact driver. That way, you can drill pilot holes and then drive the screw with your impact driver without having to constantly change bits on your drill. And the increased power of an impact driver means your arm will be less sore aft...


Grab and Go

...f the contents of our first aid kit in a subsequent post. 6. Fire Our fire making kit includes waterproof matches and kindling material made with dryer lint and candle wax 7. Repair kit and tools We wear a Leatherman multi-tool at all times on our belt. 8. Nutrition Our grab and go bags contain an array of Cliff bars and other items with a long shelf life. 9. Hydration We have both extra water and a ceramic water filter. 10. Emergency shelter We h...
