Campfire Cooking: Fish in Clay (& Vegetarian Options!)

...enough for a delicate trout, but plenty good for carrots. Just gather yourself a bundle of green grass. Pascal likes some fallen leaves mixed in with the grass, for the earthy aroma that adds. Do be careful that you don’t accidentally pick up some poison hemlock leaves or other poison or irritating plants when you grab your grass. Lay your big leaves out, as for the fish, then put down a fat layer of tangled grass, then top that with your veggies...


Escaping the AI Vampire Castle

...t and suddenly break leaving the world a worse place. We’ve seen this with self driving cars, cryptocurrency, social media, and Elon Musk’s tunnels to nowhere and failed Hyperloop. There’s certainly useful things we can do with these large statistical models. Writing children’s books, however, is not one of them. It’s a fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of language, how humans gain experience and how creativity works. I met a translator r...
