Lost from the cradle of connection: the high price of driving

...s as we drive? In the same way, we decry shelters which euthanize dogs and cats, we abhor animal testing, but we kill more animals on the roads than we do in the shelters and the labs. But let’s get more anthropocentric. What about human deaths? In 2013, in the U.S. alone: 32,719 people died in car-related accidents (This number is significantly down from past years, but sadly seems to be going back up this year.) 4,735 of these were pedestrians (...


How to Cook Broadleaf Plantain

...ugh MeetUp. And you should definitely check out Pascal’s foraging website, Urban Outdoor Skills. Both of their websites feature “food labs” which have some of the most inventive wild food recipes I’ve seen anywhere. On a recent visit to Urban Outdoor Skills, I was very excited to find he’d developed a cooking technique for broadleaf plantain (Plantago major, the common weed, not the banana relative). Though I know plantain is very nutritious, it i...


Nance Klemn is in Los Angeles and She’s Teaching Classes!

...checks upon confirmation. CONTACT DELIA : [email protected] February 22: Urban Forage Walk More info here. Bio Nance Klemn is an ecological systems designer, landscaper, horticultural consultant, and permaculture grower, as well as a consultant, speaker, and teacher. Based in the Midwest, she lives and works in a diverse neighborhood in the heart of Chicago, and is developing a farm on her land outside the city. She is founder of Social Ecologie...


Forager and Humanurist Nancy Klehm in Los Angeles

...hington Blvd Pasadena, CA 91104 Registration (click here to register) Pre-register by 2/10: $15 Pre-register by 2/17: $20 At the Door: $25 Hosting Organizations RIPE Altadena Institute of Urban Ecology More about Nance Klehm: http://ecolutionist.com/q-a-with-radical-ecologist-nance-klehm-on-urban-foraging/ www.spontaneousvegetation.net...


A Homegrown Revolution manifesto by way of a short (true) story.

1. Fitness is part of the urban homesteading thing So on our daily bike ride to the downtown YMCA we spotted four tires laying by the side of the road. 2. Try to grow as much food as you can Tires are a great way to grow potatoes–we’ll explain this when we try it ourselves. Meanwhile you can read about doing this, as well as many other uses for old tires in the informative archives of Backwoods Home Magazine. 3. Cargo bikes rule Later on in the d...
