010 Erica Strauss of Northwest Edible Life

...ics we touch on in the interview include: How she got started homesteading Gardening in the Northwest United States Four season gardening Growing fruit in the Northwest Dave Wilson’s Backyard Orcharding Her viral blog post, The Terrible Tragedy of the Healthy Eater Meal planning for families Time management on the homestead Getting up early to get things done Irresponsible chicken keeping Livestock vs. pets Ducks vs. chickens Slugs and snails Lini...


Straw Bale Garden Update: Success!

...input of outside resources in the form of straw and fertilizer, straw bale gardening is a great solution for beginning gardeners or for those cursed with bad soil. And the skunks that have decimated my previous vegetable gardens are unable to get up on the bales. I’m considering trying another straw bale garden during our winter season. And I’m also pondering building boxes to put the bales in to make the garden look a bit neater. Compare the stra...


019 Garden Nerd Christy Wilhelmi

...ardenerd” Christy Wilhelmi of Gardenerd.com. Christy is also the author of Gardening for Geeks and has a podcast, The Gardenerds Tip of the Week. During the show we discuss: Biodynamics Biointensive/French Intensive Alan Chadwick’s Garden at UC Santa Cruz John Jeavons Double digging vs. no-till A documentary about Ruth Stout Breaking up soil with permaculture method The power of mulch Square foot gardening Peat moss vs. coir Growing carbon and com...


090 Garden Myths: Nitrogen, Roundup, Compost Tea

...guest is Robert Pavlis. We touch on a number of controversial, hot-button gardening topics such as synthetic fertilizers, roundup and compost tea. Robert maintains a six acre garden near Guelph, Ontario all by himself, he’s a master gardener and a speaker. He has a background in chemistry and biochemistry and runs two blogs: gardenmyths.com and gardenfundamentals.com. During the show we also discuss the “whys” of gardening, mosquito prevention, s...


Arduino Homesteading Projects

...en source garden monitoring system). Includes links to other Arduino based gardening projects. Gardening moisture sensor/watering controllers An Arduino waterer that tweets! DIY Hydroponics Weather station Homebrewing Homebrewing Automation With Arduinos (Homebrewing.com article) Arduino Controlled Homebrew Stir Plate DIY UberFridge Controls Homebrewing Temperatures Cooking Sous-vide cooking Kitchen Timer Security Garage door monitor Arduino Secur...
