Worm Composting

...ears ago and found the process somewhat difficult. Unlike our present lazy composting methods, worm composting requires a certain amount of time and effort. When you start a worm composting system you are acquiring pets – worm pets, that need just the right amount of water (too much and they’ll drown, too little and they will be unhappy), and food (if all your meals are at In and Out Burger they won’t get enough grub or if you are some kind of hip...


Meet My Chickens: the continuing story of Chickenzilla

...e and less corn in her diet these days. And she is very active. Despite her heft she can outrun all the other chickens when I throw a choice grub or beetle into their enclosure. She can even jump/fly the three feet into the compost bin to hunt for good eats. If Chickenzilla can leave her corn-fed agribusiness breeding behind and transform into a homegrown, vegetable loving, free range, compost enthusiast chicken then maybe there is hope for the Am...


Coffee Grounds in the Garden

...offee grounds do not repel pests. Let coffee grounds cool before adding to compost bin so you don’t kill beneficial microbes. And don’t let coffee grounds amount to more than 20% of your compost pile. Don’t add coffee grounds to vermicomposting bins. If you’re using coffee grounds as a mulch Chalker-Scott has two suggestions: Apply a thin layer (no more than half an inch) of coffee grounds. Cover with a thicker layer (four inches) of coarse organi...


A Year after The Age of Limits: 5 Responses to the End Times

...e cycles of life and death, decay and renewal. Keep a compost pile, a worm bin, a composting toilet. They’re useful systems, and they teach you a lot about life. • If you don’t have a faith or a philosophy to follow, consider finding some conceptual framework to hang your reality upon. It helps. • Let creativity flourish. Learn to play instrument, tell a story, work clay or whittle toys from wood. There have always been hard times. And there has a...


Viewpoints in the Garden

...istas in the garden just need some straightening up. I’ve been doing a lot of projects lately and don’t always put things back. Other areas need some more work. This area by the chicken coop could use some paving stones or a deck under the chairs and a better “hide the crap” fence to screen out the compost bins in the background. Overall the main design lesson is in the first photo in this series–the use of foliage or trellis work to not allow the...
