Brother, My Cup is Empty


Nick Cave in 20,000 Days on Earth.

Here at Root Simple we’ve long had a rule that it’s forbidden to write a blog post about why there’s no blog post. Nick Cave’s song There She Goes My Beautiful World sums up why. In short it’s pathetic to explain why I don’t feel like writing a new rocket stove post when much better writers easily accessed the muses under far more difficult circumstances. As Cave puts it,

John Wilmot penned his poetry
Riddled with the pox
Nabokov wrote on index cards
At a lectern, in his socks
St. John of the Cross did his best stuff
Imprisoned in a box
And Johnny Thunders was half alive
When he wrote Chinese Rocks

Our excuses? A kidney stone caused emergency room visit. We have a sick cat (Phoebe’s heart took a turn for the worse). Kelly had a record setting multi-day migraine.

So I guess this means that I’ve finally written the infamous “why there is no post” post. I’ll let Cave have the last word:

So if you got a trumpet, get on your feet
Brother, and blow it
If you’ve got a field, that don’t yield
Well get up and hoe it
I look at you and you look at me and
Deep in our hearts know it
That you weren’t much of a muse
But then I weren’t much of a poet

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  1. From one sufferer to another – fie on migraines. And kidney stones. We’ll still be here when y’all are feeling better. (Hugs to Phoebe)

  2. Ouch to the kidney stone! Painful. And hope Kelly and Phoebe are both feeling better.

  3. sending lots of good thoughts to Phoebe & you two also from over here (me and my three kits and 2 pups good vibing away)……and no excuses ever needed – i concur with dede…we will be here!!!

  4. I cannot think of two more miserable afflictions and I hope you are both on the mend.

    As for Phoebe, I often wonder how she is doing and hope for her return to a happy and comfortable existence.

  5. Thank you for not writing the traditional excuse-post. You’ve elevated it to a level of academia that leaves me appreciating you that much more! You have this reader’s blessing to never feel like you owe us an explanation. Hope everyone has recovered.

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