Local Politician Tom LaBonge Wants LA Covered in Astroturf and the City to Pay For It

Astroturf and Tom LaBonge

Our local utility is offering residents a sizable rebate to remove lawns and replace them with less water intensive plantings and mulch. This makes long term sense in what appears to be a permanent, climate change related drought here in California.

Unfortunately, Los Angeles City Councilman Tom LaBonge is pushing for the inclusion of artificial turf in that rebate program. He, apparently, has a vision of Los Angeles, as one big tawdry miniature golf course. Here’s his motion annotated with my opinions:

As drought conscious residents of the City of Los Angeles look for ways to reduce their water consumption, business is booming for the synthetic turf industry. [And that’s a reason to give them more money?] A recent study revealed that the annual amount of water needed to maintain the average lawn each year is about 34,000 gallons or about 670 bathtubs full of water.

The quality and appearance of synthetic turf has gained popularity, and especially with the drought, turf has become more accepted. [By whom? It’s still plastic. And you need to water it in the summer to make it cool enough to walk on and to wash out pet urine. It provides no benefit for wildlife.] Residential turf is growing exponentially in Southern California, but home installation still accounts for less than 13% of the total turf installations. [Again, is this a reason to subsidize it?]

With rising water rates and with the current lawn removal rebate programs that are offered to residents of the City of Los Angeles, there is a need to look at options such as artificial turf as an alternative for drought friendly landscaping.

I THEREFORE MOVE that the Department of Water and Power be requested to report back with a study on the potential benefits of implementing artificial grass for home installations and how it can make an impact in the current drought conditions. [I’m certain that local water officials already studied the option and, wisely, concluded that they did not want to subside artificial turf. Why waste staff time?]

Let me predict the results, should Tom’s AstroTurf vision become law. In a few years we’ll see acres of ripped, smog and dog feces stained plastic turf that will eventually end up in our overflowing landfills. The present rebate program is an opportunity to create landscapes that support birds, bees, butterflies and other wildlife at the same time as they reduce water consumption.  Tom’s future is just a plastic version of the same old lawn paradigm that just doesn’t make sense in our climate.

Thanks to Travis Longcore for the tip on this.

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  1. I think we just found a dictionary definition of asshattery. Well done LaBonge.

    Might want to show up to a hearing with the latest info linking astroturf to cancer in young soccer goalies.

    • I’m curious who has his ear on this one too. If I had to guess I’d say it was the real estate industry that wants to keep the lawn paradigm going. But sometimes he just gets a crazy idea in his head and just won’t let go of it.

  2. Follow the money on this one. Someone is paying him to push this idea. I hope lots of people protest this and get it veto’d. What a nightmare if it passes! I don’t even live in California, but I can see from 1000s of miles away it’s a bad idea.
    If there’s any petitions to sign coming out of this I’ll sign one to help you guys out. I hope that local landscaping companies band together and give this idea the smack down. I hope this doesn’t pass.

  3. Councilman LaBonge (is that his REAL name?) has made an excellent proposal! While we’re about it, let’s replace all those messy, water-guzzling trees with plastic Christmas trees. No more fallen leaves to blow into ugly heaps with our macho, smoke-belching leaf blowers. Eventually, no more filthy birds pooping on our shiny, new SUVs. An earthly paradise!

  4. I think the health and safety card could be played here, unless all edges are secured very securely, doesn’t this stuff tend to curl up, therefore causing a major tripping hazard. Who will be responsible for the healthcare bills of multiple twisted ankles? and I think twisted ankles are probably the most minor injury that will be caused, mind boggling how many other injuries could be caused.

  5. I started reading this post and I had a double take. Wow, just wow. Mr. LaBonge must have some type of kickback from the company or companies that would provide this rubbish. I hope he fails.

    Best wishes to all of you!

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