Saturday Linkages: Comfrey, a Parking Rock Star and Voracious Worms


Russian comfrey in flower. Image: Wikipedia.

Does comfrey really improve soil? …

Soviet Russia’s answer to the Monsanto house of the future: …

No, your pot doesn’t come from enviromentally conscious hippies …

Voracious Worm Evolves to Eat Biotech Corn Engineered to Kill It – Wired Science …

Adapting to Climate by Being a Nomad within your own House 

Rock Star or Comedian? Donald Shoup Takes His Parking Show to Berkeley …

Residents Fume Over Lead Contamination of Soil in their Neighborhoods …

How to Age Wood Tutorial – …

Dog Portrait from Corrugated Cardboard by Ali Golzad …

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  1. It’s true that there is a problem with pot growing having a massive impact on the environment, but this is once again caused by prohibition and money. If people were allowed to toss a plant or two in the side yard or closet it would have a massive impact on the large scale grows. Keep it small, keep it local.

    You know we’d love to see the root simple yard with a little more green in it 😉

    • I completely agree–take the prohibition away and the environmental problem goes away. The article I linked to is a good one, and the author comes to basically the same conclusion. As to the Root Simple compound having that kind of green . . . well, I’m more of a beer person but I’ve always thought it would be funny to grow industrial hemp.

  2. The liberals in this state would never allow those liberals, descendants of dirty hippies to grow pot legally. The legalization would detract from the prison revenues. I taught GED in a men’s prison, and if they were truthful, many of the men were there for a minor amount of pot or one joint too many.

    My very nice friends could have been arrested. These people are not criminals or socially offensive people in any manner.

  3. In regards to the the “neighbors fume over lead post” this problem has been known about in Boyle Heights for decades. My family owned property in B.H. for 60 years near the east la interchange. I had to choose between keeping my family home and adjacent apartments or selling it off an buying a smaller house in a nicer, non-contaminanted community. I sold the property which was the best choice for me and my wife. I couldnt keep the property if I wanted to start a family with my wife (due to the contamination).

    I have the resources and education (getting a master’s degree in M.E.) to leave but so many cant. It is going to end up being the undocumented and poor who end up getting poisoned in B.H.

    Also, according to my family oral history, on the corner of 7th and soto (across from the elementary school and Salesian High School) where there is now a car wash — there is an illegal dumped and forgotten (and leaking) gas tankard. The owners that had to remove the tank when it was converted from a gas station to a car wash never removed the old gas storage tank buried in the ground.

    • Highways are nothing more than toxic waste dumps. And it’s no coincidence that our freeways were often put in poor immigrant communities. Another hidden cost of the automobile . . .

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