Grow the Soil

...Farm and Garden Supply has a nice selection of annual cover crops here. We used their dryland mix to deal with the bad soil in our front yard and we’ll re-sow it again this fall. Cover crops send down roots that break up soil, with the legumes used to fix nitrogen–it’s a great way to amend a large area with almost no work involved. Here at Homegrown Evolution we don’t believe in tilling soil. Tilling soil disrupts the natural balance of soil micro...


Gluten Intolerance . . . Is It All In Your Head?

...realm of our minds (done everyday through advertising, by the way) can be used for both good and bad. Bruno even wrote a treatise on the subject, De vinculis in genere (On bonding in general). But Bruno and other philosophers of his time took metaphysical matters seriously. In our modern world we value only the material, which is how our lack of awareness of the nocebo effect can get us into trouble. The only people truly aware of the power of th...


What the Internet Will Look Like After the Zombie Apocalypse (though you could route the internet over it). Such a network could be used in an emergency such as an earthquake or weather event to send digital messages. It’s also the means by which I could continue to send out cute cat photos even if things go full-on Cormac McCarthy You could use this same hack, not exactly legally, to solve networking problems in a large house, business or rural property. And the same method has been used to set up data...


Saturday Linkages: Gourds, Cats and Cider Bread … L.A.’s First Public Transit Used Actual Horse Power … Neuroscience of junk-food cravings, researched in a Chili’s dumpster – Boing Boing … What the hell to do with the parkway?


Josey Baker’s Awesome Adventure Bread (gluten free!)

...nd held together with chia and psyillium husks… [Psyllium what? We’d never used psyllium seed husks before, but they are apparently used in gluten free baking to help bind ingredients–like chia, they are mucilaginous. We found them in the dietary supplement section of Whole Foods, for what it’s worth. Be sure to get the husks, not powdered psyllium seed, which is a laxative.(!) ] …No yeast. No grain other than oats. It is tasty and moist and slice...
