Saturday Tweets: Tanning Fish, Trees and Dealing with Medieval Mansplainers

What makes a designed plant community different? (And why does it matter?) Thomas Rainer and Claudia West, authors of Planting in a Post-Wild World, have the answers: — Timber Press (@timberpress) April 27, 2018 Here’s my PSA to everyone with cats & kids. The other night our cat ate one of these ubiquitous Nerf darts. The x-ray image shows how the tip got lodged at his duodenum, the entrance to t...


Saturday Tweets: From Zines to Hedgehogs

“zines are really any folded piece of paper with information on it. it’s powerful for the community to have zines to show that their voice counts, that their voice matters” thanks @MeganPanatier for the link! — Malaka Gharib ملكة غريب (@MalakaGharib) May 10, 2018 “There’s Plenty of Street Space for All the People– But Not for All the Vehicles.” General Electric ran these ads…in 1940. Over three-quarters of a century later,...


Saturday Tweets: Crowbox, Urban Walking and the War on Cars

This is the most wonderful story of a gardener told by her daughter who discovered in her own garden what her mother knew all along. — Erin (@ImpatientGarden) August 25, 2018 Build a Crowbox kit and become friends with your neighborhood crows — Root Simple (@rootsimple) August 23, 2018 A 2016 survey found that 72% of Americans rated coconut oil as “healthy,” though only 37% of nutrition experts agre...


Saturday Tweets: A Solar Powered Blog, Caravansaries, Moths and Michaelmas

Our new self-hosted, solar-powered blog is designed to radically reduce the energy use associated with accessing our content. — lowtechmagazine (@lowtechmagazine) September 26, 2018 The mother of all Iranian caravansaries: @atlasobscura — Root Simple (@rootsimple) September 29, 2018 Survival on the sea: — Root Simple (@rootsimple) September 29, 2018...


Saturday Tweets: Vive la Revolution!

Our world is burning down in front of our eyes, and too few are acting. It's all hands on deck time. We need to inspire our friends, neighbors, siblings, colleagues to act. We need to talk about what's happening. We need to become role models. We need to be the change. — Peter Kalmus (@ClimateHuman) August 6, 2018 HSR is neither “The Future” of California nor a Boondoggle. It’s an essential heavy lift to keep up with the present. Not perf...
