Parkway Plantings

...ays. Broccoli is somewhat difficult to grow and requires vigilance to keep pests under control, and frequent fertilizer applications (organic, of course). The faster growing Quarantina, is easier to grow since the crop is produced faster and bugs have less time to munch on it. We grew both of these varieties last year and marveled at the taste of fresh broccoli, which is nothing like the bland crap in our supermarkets. Cauliflower – Cavolfiore di...


The Green Cone

...mpost piles due to the fact that they smell bad while decomposing, attract pests, and could possibly transmit Salmonella and E. coli bacteria if used on food crops. The green cone is, however, not a composter and the end result should not be used as garden compost due to the fact that home compost piles usually can’t generate enough heat to kill the bad bacteria in meat and animal waste. For the reasons you shouldn’t put meat products in compost p...


Saturday Linkages: Hiding Spots, Bedbugs and Rodents of Unusual Size

...ugs in Their Tracks Gardening All About Gabions : Cheap Retaining and Other Garden Features New killer compost problem–Imprelis: How to protect plants from frost: Farmers tackle pests with colas: … Rodents of Unusual Size – a documentary about 20-lb rats in Louisiana – Boing Boing


Paper Wasps: Your New BFFs

...and hornworms, but they are also fond of aphids. They swoop down on garden pests like tiny eagles–or flying monkeys–or homicidal Amazon drones– and drag their ravaged bodies back to the nest to the nest to feed their babies. Only the larvae are carnivorous. The adults live on nectar, so wasps are both pest hunters AND valuable pollinators. You want a healthy garden? Host a paper wasp colony. These are my arguments for adopting a tolerant attitude...
