Solar Eclipse 2024

...operate in most of Texas anyways so we would likely have ended up drinking beer on our friend’s couch, not necessarily a bad outcome. Instead of a trip to Texas I decided to stay put and participate in a physics experiment run by HamSCI out of the University of Scranton that is attempting to answer the question, “How do solar eclipses impact ionospheric structure and dynamics?” To answer this question HamSCI uses data collected though amateur radi...


089 The New Wildcrafted Cuisine with Pascal Baudar

...s we touch on: wild mustard weeds and invasives professional foraging wild beer Sacred and Herbal Beers by Stephen Harrod Buhner working with black mustard foraging in a drought in August in Southern California Pascal’s $350 energy bar Native American foraging practices Kat Anderson Tending the Wild foraging controversy what to do with broadleaf plantain (Plantago major) lerp sugar eating insects harvesting your own sea salt fermenting with sea sa...


Epic Homesteading Fiascos

...this disaster. I think I would have been too dispirited to hit record. It’s particularly frustrating when months of work end in one catastrophic moment. In terms of personal disasters, skunks tearing through our salad beds comes to mind, as well as ruining three five gallon batches of home brewed beer one after the other. These sorts of disasters can be a lesson, particularly if you have the courage, as Eric does, to share them publicly. And, as...


Restoring the Original Black Box: Our Western Electric 534A Subset

...posted a video of the interior of our ringer box in action. This, ladies and gentlemen, is what it sounded like when the phone rang in 1920s: And, yes, I will be making this available as a ringtone in about a week. Though, I’ll note, you probably won’t be able to fix your iPhone 96 years in the future. Does your old house still have a ringer box?...


The Secret of Tidiness Revealed

...thrift store first may be necessary for the more wayward members of the untidy tribe. What do you think? Tidy tribesters–are you laughing? Untidy tribesters–are you weeping/making excuses/confused/skeptical? And I haven’t even touched on the issue of a tidy person living with an untidy mate!...
