Gardening Resources in Los Angeles County

.../ and at Sunset Nursery in Silver Lake. Vegetable gardening classes: Grow LA Victory Gardening Initiative. Visit the Huntington Ranch for ideas and inspiration. The Environmental Change Makers offer a number of great classes and publications: How to Get Rid of Bermuda Grass, and How to Make Your Garden GMO-free Booklets about high-yield organic vegetable gardening in SoCal’s uniqu...


Apartment Parking Lot Gardening in East Hollywood

...ding your local farmer’s market. My goal of teaching my granddaughter some gardening basics while she is growing up has been accomplished and she will have some good childhood memories of the times spent with grandpa growing and eating veggies, I know there are many people these days who feel the need to get their gardening on” and teach their children ( if they have any) and this is one way they could go about it. My materials List: 1) 1 x 6 x 6...


Why I’m Growing Vegetables in a Straw Bale

...ecause his philosophy demands that you to focus intent on the garden, thus making the act of gardening a kind of sacred duty. But, this winter, I’ve still got a lot of tasks to complete and don’t have time to develop either a biodynamic compost pile or, gasp, thoughtstyle my way to some new, alternative method of sacramental gardening. So I decided to try straw bale gardening again. My last attempt, that I blogged about and even did a video of, wo...


More on our gardening disasters

...ever had such a sorry string off disasters and non-starters since we began gardening. And I think that’s something to keep in mind. This is unusual. When things are going wrong, it’s easy to forget how often they go right. That’s why it’s good to keep a garden journal, or a blog, or even just a photo collection to look back on, so you can track your progress more objectively. So when I look back on this blog, and through our old photos, I can see...


Making It

...ctions for a wide range of projects, from building a 99-cent solar oven to making your own laundry soap to instructions for brewing beer. Making It is the go-to source for post-consumer living activities that are fun, inexpensive and eminently doable. Our goal in this book was to provide really stripped down, simple projects that use only inexpensive, easy to source materials. We also tried to use the same materials and ingredients over and over a...
