Saturday Tweets: A Wacky Week

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  1. Well, Mr. Wyllie may not have noticed, but a lot of us knew what cats were up to all along: world domination.
    Or at least internet video domination.

    On another note, the Mason jar lights are really, really nice! Thanks for posting that link!

  2. Not sure what caused all the fuss about the bear in the Subaru. The inside of my 14-year old Subaru looks pretty much like that and it has never had a bear in it.

  3. The pole-mounted mason jar lights are potentially lethal!

    Something like this should not be attempted by anyone who does not have an understanding of the electrical code as it applies to exterior fixtures in a damp/wet environment, which the author obviously does not have.

    This project should be removed. It is a recipe for death by electrocution. Anyone who publishes these instructions or otherwise recommends them could be facing a major damages claim when the inevitable electrocution happens.

    Sorry, but this is scary!

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