Saturday Tweets: Micro Campers, The Whole Earth Catalog and a Post-Antibiotics Future

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  1. Thanks for the article about cover cropping. It’s something I knew I had to add to my roster of annual garden jobs, but it was also somewhat confusing. The PDF with the article spells out when, how, and what to plant so that I now know precisely what I need to do. This is the sort of basic information I had been lacking and you found it for me. Thanks, Root Simple!

  2. I love the bit on turf dormancy. Personally I find the idea that we all need to rip out our lawns a bit misguided. If you leave bare furtile soil anywhere plants will find a home and grow most of the year here meaning extrordinary measures and usually a lot of weeding are necessary to maintain that “perfect” yard of draught tolerant plants surrounded by whatever lifeless medium you chose. In my own lawn(in culver city, ca) I have found that the areas where I have improved the soil and regraded so the rain and dew have a chance to soak in we have a vibrant green lawn atleast part of the year despite no watering. The areas that get a good deal of shade and those where I water the trees are basically happy and green year round. Of course part of the secret is that our lawn is not just grass but a healthy mix of “weeds” and escaped edibles(I let lots of things such as lettuce freely reseed themselves) that seem to help keep the soil and grass happy.

    I decided a while back to let all the grass die but I seem to have failed miserably so am now working on this new approach. White clover seems to be a very helpful component as I have been seeding with it in an attempt to push out the annual california burr clover and to try to keep the grass from becoming too dominant. When the trees get larger and provide more shade I think we may actually have a nice green lawn most of the year without ever having to specifically water it.

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