Make Irrigation Line Hold Downs With Coat Hangers


Why do we blog? One reason is great feedback from you, our readers. A post I did on using chain link tension wire to fashion tie downs for drip irrigation line brought a comment from Wilton Granger, who suggested using wire coat hangers instead.


I ran out of tension wire recently and balked at spending $20 for another 170 foot roll. Remembering Wilton’s comment, I foraged some unused hangers out of my closet. Wire hangers indent some fabrics, anyways, so they might as well be used for holding down drip line.

Plus, they are much easier to cut than tension wire. All you need are lineman’s pliers:


While not as sturdy as tension wire and, probably, shorter lived, they do the job just fine with a lot less effort. Thank you Wilton!

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  1. Those wire coat hangers are good for so many things. Even though I don’t use them for clothes and haven’t for at least 20 years, I do keep them around for other uses.

  2. Until recently, I didn’t realize that paper clips were the larval form of wire coat hangers. Funny the things that you find out!

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